The Many Lives of Rielle Hunter Images Videos -ATN News

"I couldn't believe it when I heard the story," Chip Hudson, a veteran horse trainer in Ocala, Fla., who worked with Hunter when she went by her birth name Lisa Druck, told ABCNews.com. "She was a regular kid with a family with a lot of money. Her father commuted back and forth in his own airplane and bought her some very nice horses. She won some prizes for her riding.
But there was another side to the life of luxury lived out by Druck and her two sisters, Roxanne and Melissa. "She and Roxanne were a handful, always getting into trouble around the farm," said a former groomer at Eagle's Nest, the horse farm in Ocala. "Lisa was drop-dead gorgeous -- the pictures now don't do her justice. Very pretty, with blue eyes and blonde hair. And she knew how to drive the men crazy. But she seemed sad and troubled, desperately looking for something."
Her father, the late James Druck, once paid a hit man to kill her prize horse, Henry the Hawk, by rigging wires to electrocute the animal by attaching electrical wires to its ear and rectum, according to an account told to Sports Illustrated in 1992 by horse killer Tommy Burns.
Druck had taken out a $150,000 insurance policy on the animal and was hoping to reap the benefits, Burns told the magazine........
Call goes out for Marshall Plan to rebuild from Haiti's ruins...........
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, said, "My belief is that Haiti, which has been incredibly hit by different things -- the food and the food prices crisis, then the hurricane, then the earthquake -- needs something which is big, not only a piecemeal approach, but something which will be much bigger to deal with the reconstruction of the country, some kind of a Marshall Plan.
The Marshall Plan was the huge U.S. effort after World War II to rebuild the shattered economies of Western Europe. It was launched by then-Secretary of State George Marshall with the goal of bolstering American allies in Europe as they faced a rising Soviet military threat.
Strauss-Kahn did not offer specifics of what he envisions for a Haiti rebuilding effort, nor did he outline a time frame…………
Call goes out for Marshall
from today in channel one there is one drama serial going to start telecast!! name of the drama serial is: ...
'Leighton Meester Dazzles at TAO Partypoto News '
Out for yet another performance, hosted a big post-New Year’s party at the Venetian in Las Vegas on Saturday
Fresh off of a flight from Chicago, the Blair Waldorf babe took to the stage with her band at TAO Nightclub - treating the Sin City revelers to a high-energy 10-minute set...............
Fresh off of a flight from Chicago, the Blair Waldorf babe took to the stage with her band at TAO Nightclub - treating the Sin City revelers to a high-energy 10-minute set...............
Hollywood Gossip News Leaders…….pictures
The actress who shot to international fame with her stint in UK reality show Celebrity Big Brother did hot picures ..........
Beats her quite often' at tennis, “First Lady Michelle has finally gotten the upper hand on the”.....
Washington, Jan 2 : After confessing to Jay Leno that Barack Obama beats her quite often at tennis. First Lady Michelle has finally gotten the upper hand on the courts, according to sources.
. 29 during the First Family's Christmas vacation break in Hawaii, revealed an insider.
"Barack and Michelle are very competitive but she finally got the upper hand" Radar Online quoted an eyewitness as saying.
"The rally went on for a while but in the end Michelle was victorious!" the source added……..
. 29 during the First Family's Christmas vacation break in Hawaii, revealed an insider.
"Barack and Michelle are very competitive but she finally got the upper hand" Radar Online quoted an eyewitness as saying.
"The rally went on for a while but in the end Michelle was victorious!" the source added……..
Turquoise! Celebrities Embrace The Big Color for 2010…..

Nick Jonas on MySpace Music Free Streaming MP3, Picture Nick Jonas on MySpace ….
While we were slow dancing, my crush and I had our first kiss, Gomez told Twist magazine in its September issue. I said, ‘I don’t kiss on the first date.’ Then he said Well, I never really play by the rules.
“On one date, the girl said to me, ‘I don’t kiss on the first date.’ So I said, ‘I don’t follow the rules’ Jonas told Girl’s Life magazine in its June/July issue. Ooooh It was so good….
'Year in Review; January-April 2009'
Editor’s note: This is the first of three stories reviewing Libby and Troy news of the past year. In this issue, read about the first four months of 2009. In the Jan. 6 edition, May through August will be reviewed, followed by September through December on Jan. 8.
1* Heavy snow continued to fall in northwestern Montana and created challenges for residents, businesses and government. Local law enforcement stayed busy responding to snow-related incidents.
2* Asbestos-related agencies expressed fear that they would not make it through 2009 without state funding. “If the state doesn’t step up to the plate, these agencies will end,” Tanis Hernandez of the Center for Asbestos Related Disease said. Reps. Chas Vincent and Jerry Bennett said during a December Community Advisory Group meeting that it was vital for Gov. Brian Schweitzer to hear residents’ concerns
3* Libby City Council passed an emergency ordinance amendment that outlawed the pushing of snow into city streets. The amendment served as a clarification to the previous ordinance.
4* The Libby Police Department got up to a full staff with Terry Watson sworn in as an officer. The department had four active officers, a chief and one officer on injury leave.
5* St. John’s Lutheran Hospital welcomed the first baby of 2009 on Jan. 7 with the arrival of Natalya Grace Chvilicek, daughter of Bo and Lindsay Chvilicek of Libby.
6* The Circus of Science rolled into Libby to wow children and adults with a variety of experiments. The event is a product of the University of Montana’s SpectrUM program.
7* Terry Spear was appointed to the post of technical adviser for the Technical Advisory Group.
8* Semitool cut 13 employees from its Libby plant on Jan. 8. The staff reduction was the result of a worldwide downturn in the semiconductor market.
9* The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service delisted the gray wolf in the northern Rockies on Jan. 14. Federal officials said that they believed the management of the recovered wolf population could best be managed at the state level.
10* Christopher Haines, 26, was sentenced to 20 years in prison – with 15 years suspended – for molesting his young son.
11* School boards in Libby and Troy gave passing grades to superintendents Kirby Maki and Brady Selle, respectively.
12* Troy Mine employees received notice that they would keep their jobs at least through February after they had been informed in December that the mine could close because of low metal prices.
13* Libby High School wrestler Justin Graham won his division at the Rocky Mountain Classic in Missoula on Jan. 17.
14* St. John’s Lutheran Hospital revealed on Jan. 20 that the site of its new hospital would be located adjacent to the current facility.
15* Rep. Chas Vincent of Libby proposed several bills aimed at forest and fire management as the 61st Montana state legislature kicked off.
1* Heavy snow continued to fall in northwestern Montana and created challenges for residents, businesses and government. Local law enforcement stayed busy responding to snow-related incidents.
2* Asbestos-related agencies expressed fear that they would not make it through 2009 without state funding. “If the state doesn’t step up to the plate, these agencies will end,” Tanis Hernandez of the Center for Asbestos Related Disease said. Reps. Chas Vincent and Jerry Bennett said during a December Community Advisory Group meeting that it was vital for Gov. Brian Schweitzer to hear residents’ concerns
3* Libby City Council passed an emergency ordinance amendment that outlawed the pushing of snow into city streets. The amendment served as a clarification to the previous ordinance.
4* The Libby Police Department got up to a full staff with Terry Watson sworn in as an officer. The department had four active officers, a chief and one officer on injury leave.
5* St. John’s Lutheran Hospital welcomed the first baby of 2009 on Jan. 7 with the arrival of Natalya Grace Chvilicek, daughter of Bo and Lindsay Chvilicek of Libby.
6* The Circus of Science rolled into Libby to wow children and adults with a variety of experiments. The event is a product of the University of Montana’s SpectrUM program.
7* Terry Spear was appointed to the post of technical adviser for the Technical Advisory Group.
8* Semitool cut 13 employees from its Libby plant on Jan. 8. The staff reduction was the result of a worldwide downturn in the semiconductor market.
9* The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service delisted the gray wolf in the northern Rockies on Jan. 14. Federal officials said that they believed the management of the recovered wolf population could best be managed at the state level.
10* Christopher Haines, 26, was sentenced to 20 years in prison – with 15 years suspended – for molesting his young son.
11* School boards in Libby and Troy gave passing grades to superintendents Kirby Maki and Brady Selle, respectively.
12* Troy Mine employees received notice that they would keep their jobs at least through February after they had been informed in December that the mine could close because of low metal prices.
13* Libby High School wrestler Justin Graham won his division at the Rocky Mountain Classic in Missoula on Jan. 17.
14* St. John’s Lutheran Hospital revealed on Jan. 20 that the site of its new hospital would be located adjacent to the current facility.
15* Rep. Chas Vincent of Libby proposed several bills aimed at forest and fire management as the 61st Montana state legislature kicked off.
" New Year, New Laws"
New Year, New Laws
Rules from tanning to texting: More than 20,000 new laws go into effect in 2010.
Sat Jan 2, 9:55AM PT - ABC News 2:30
"Happy New Year-2010"
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"Happy New Year-2010"
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