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Singer Mya Is No Miley Cyrus: "I'm Staying on Twitter!"

Mya has no plans to pull a Miley Cyrus and ditch Twitter.

Even if it means getting tweets from men who are in...prison?!

"After our lambada last night, it was like, um, 'Oh jeez,' " Mya laughed earlier this morning during our exclusive weekly chat. "I didn't know they have Twitter in jail. The messages were off the train!"

Even so, she says, "I'm staying on Twitter."

I've got more Mya for ya. Read on to find out why she's kinda starting to ignore judge Len Goodman, what she wanted to do to Derek Hough's nipples last night and her thoughts about that rumored on-set showmance between Aaron Carter and Karina Smirnoff...

Congratulations on being on top again. Did you think Melissa Joan Hart would be tying with you? (They both scored a 28.)

I wasn't surprised at all. After watching her performance with Mark [Ballas], I definitely expected them to come in first place last night. It was incredible.

Have you been able to figure out Len at all? One week you do too much, the next week not enough.
I don't know, but I feel like a mental case when it comes to Len. I'm just not going to try to please him anymore.

I'm glad you didn't have to do a two-step. I don't think that worked too well on the show.
I thought Chuck [Lidell] was pretty cute in his outfit. I think I could pull off a two-step. I have horses next door to where I live in Maryland. [Laughs.] I'm a little bit country!

After Derek performed shirtless last night, I thought Dmitry would too.

Derek said to me, "Do you think I should take my shirt off?" I said, "Sure, it's the lambada. This is probably the only chance you're going to get to do it." But then he said, "I am going to tell everyone that Mya dared me to take off my shirt." I was like, "No you're not! But I dare you to rhinestone your nipples!" [Laughs.] He didn't do it!

What's up for next week?
We have the Argentine tango, which is very complicated. Pray for me.

That's gonna be sexy.
Yeah, but it's also very authoritative from the female standpoint. It's very intense.

Before I let ya go, I have to ask about Karina and Aaron. So, are they dating?
[Laughs.] I wouldn't know. They haven't announced anything as far as I know. But I'll do some research and let you know.

(For those in the L.A. area, on Sunday you can catch Mya perform at the Run 4 Her Life fundraiser for breast cancer research at 11:30 a.m. at the Americana at Brand mall in Glendale.)

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