Planting celebrity gossip stories in newspapers and tabloids happened in the days of yore as well. You had jealous celebrities blowing the lid off scandals by calling celeb gossip publications. ...
The 42-year old singer who’s currently dating sexy Spanish model Andrés Velencoso, 32 — insists she doesn’t care about the huge age gap between her and her boyfriend.I don’t ever think about the age gap between us, Kylie said.
It doesn’t exist unless I say something like, ‘Do you remember that song from the summer of ’93?’ And he says, ‘No’.And I think, ‘Is that because you are Spanish or because you were still at high-school then?’ I would say that compared to previous relationships, he is very level-headed, not up and down.I am up and down, so it’s good to have someone who is very steady, very consistent. It’s great.Kylie recently admitted she often cries over her ongoing cancer treatment. Trust me, I have been in floods of tears at my oncologist, saying, ‘I can’t stand it, get me off this stuff,’ and he will become very stern and say, ‘We have to cure you,’ so you have to carry on with it because it works,” said the singer, who was first diagnosed with the disease in 2005.
I will finish early next year and that will be amazing, but I’ve also heard that you can feel quite insecure when you first come off it because you have relied on this medication for so long. It’s going to be a big adjustment.
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