Vanilla Ice.Words that follow are “Ice, Ice Baby” and that’s pretty much all theacknowledgment you need to give the “rapper.” If it weren’t already badenough for him to sample Queen and David Bowie’s“Under Pressure” (and not give credit or royalties to them because of a“single note”), the one hit wonder has stooped to even more ridiculousactivity that was probably set out to make him more “gangsta.”
Apparently,Vanilla Ice performed a stunt that involved him jumping a ‘67 Cadillacthrough a “wall” of fire and into a lake. Oh, did we mention this wasfor his TV show called The Vanilla Ice Project where he renovates and flips houses in Palm Beach?
Yeah, we know. The stunt is completely unrelated to anything on his show. However, according to On The Red Carpet,Vanilla Ice and his team have been promoting the long-waited stunt onradio stations. We’re not sure why because we hear he had quite thedifficult time getting permission to even film the event and numerous complaintsfrom the fire and sheriff’s departments and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have been made. Yet, it looks likethey didn’t stop him because the show is set to air in September andwe’ve actually got footage of the “epic” stunt below.
Whatactually happens in this video? Well, the wall of fire turned out to bemore like a line of fire and the Cadillac – which appears to say thingssuch as “Vanilla Ice” and “Ricky Bobby” on the side – sinks into thelake with the rapper inside. Oh, and there was confetti. After a fewseconds of waiting, the rapper does crawl out of his seat belt andsurfaces on top of the water but we definitely weren’t impressed.“That’s what I’m talking about! Where’s that Cadillac?” Uh… in thewater, buddy. (Perhaps this is why he thought the “Ice, Ice Baby”sample sounded different.)
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