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'Twilight: Eclipse' gets re-release in time for Bella's fake birthday

bella-edward-birthday-summit.jpgWhat does Bella Swan really want for her birthday? Topping $300 million in domestic ticket sales, duh.

And Summit, the studio behind the "Twilight" franchise, shares her wish. That's why they're re-releasing "Eclipse" in honor of the fictional occasion.

"Eclipse" heads back to theaters Friday, Sept. 10, and Deadline reports that one good weekend of super-fan-driven sales will likely give its current $298.8 million haul just the push it needs.

Bella's actual birthday isn't until Monday, so the weekend take should be a nice present for her -- at least better than her last birthday when a paper-cut got her attacked and dumped.
In other news, we can no longer distinguish fiction from reality.

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